BLACK stands for Bold Leadership Awareness and Cultural Knowledge.
Organised by Australian South Sea Islanders Port Jackson, in collaboration with local community organisations and leaders, the BLACK Workshop series aims to raise awareness of Australian South Sea Islander history while encouraging youth leadership through education and cultural participation.
Workshops will be conducted in October this year at Mout Druitt and Tweed Heads – registration is essential as numbers will be limited – see details for both venues below.
The overarching theme of the workshops will be the history sharing of the descendants of blackbirding, Pacific diversity and broader community commonality and aims to:
1. Raise awareness of Australian South Sea Islander history facilitated by respected community leaders who are descendants of Australia’s Blackbirding trade.
2. Identify Australian South Sea Islander community hubs.
3. Encourage youth leadership participation through tailored work shop facilitated by Indigenous/ASSI leaders.
4. Encourage broader community cohesion and harmony through local voices, cultural participation, commonality and identity.
The workshops will include sessions on leadership, culture, story telling, panel discussions as well as performances by local international acclaimed artists.
Examples of leadership will facilitate through a diversity of keynote volunteer speakers such as:
Shireen Malamoo – Aboriginal / Kanak Activist and recipient of this years NSWCPC ‘Overall Outstanding Award’
Dr Jioji Ravulo – Senior Lecturer (Social Work) at Western Sydney University,
Deng Adut – South Sudanese child soldier-turned-Blacktown lawyer and the subject for 2016 portrait winner of the People’s Choice award.
James Pitts – former CEO Odyssey House drug and rehabilitation centre.
Professor Kirk Huffman – former Director of Vanuatu Museum.
Emelda Davis – President of ASSIPJ and Master of ceremonies.
Zachary Wone – project coordinator and NSWCPC ‘Community Youth’ award recipient.


Date: 22nd & 23rd October 2016
Venue: Mount Druitt Hub
Address: 9 Ayres Grove Mount Druitt
Times: Day 1: 9.00am – 5:00pm / Day 2: 10.00am-5:00pm.
Link to Mt Druitt Registration form HERE.
Find us on FACEBOOK.


Date: 29th & 30th October 2016
Venue: South Tweed Community Centre – HACC
Address: Cnr. Heffron Street & Minjungbal Drive Sth.Tweed
Times: Day 1: 10:00am-5:00pm / Day 2: 10:00am-5:00pm
Link to Tweed Heads Registration form HERE.
Find us on FACEBOOK.